Healthcare topics
and perspectives

Child Care in Monsoon: Protecting Your Little Ones from Seasonal Illnesses

The monsoon season brings much-needed relief from the scorching summer heat, but it also ushers in a host of health challenges, especially for young children. The increased humidity and damp conditions create a perfect breeding ground for various viruses and bacteria, making our little ones more susceptible to seasonal illnesses. As parents, it is crucial […]

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  • 07/12/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Breathing Easy: Managing Asthma and Allergies During Monsoon

The monsoon season, while bringing a refreshing change with its rain showers and cozy moments perfect for indulging in hot snacks, also brings its fair share of challenges. Humid and damp conditions can worsen asthma and allergies, so it’s important to stay vigilant. Understanding how to prevent and manage flare-ups during this season is essential. […]

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  • 07/12/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Monsoon Must-Haves: Your Ultimate Health Preparedness checklist

Monsoon is great; everyone feels refreshed. The first showers bring joy, relief from the heat, and a sense of renewal. However, the heavy rainfall can also lead to various health issues, such as colds, viral fevers, infections, allergies, and waterborne diseases like typhoid and cholera. Our comprehensive monsoon health preparedness checklist covers first aid essentials, […]

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  • 07/01/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Desk Detox: Yoga Poses to Relieve Tech Neck and Shoulder Pain

Do you frequently feel the need to massage your neck or shoulders after a lengthy day at your desk? Like many others, you likely spend a significant portion of your day sitting. This sedentary lifestyle can lead to extended periods of poor posture, resulting in pain and discomfort. Prolonged sitting, particularly for over eight hours […]

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  • 06/11/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Screen Time Survival – Eye Health Tips for Modern Work!

On average, people worldwide spend nearly 7 hours daily in front of screens. And since 2013, daily screen usage has risen by almost 50 minutes. Now imagine your eyes as the camera lens of a smartphone. When the lens focuses for too long, it overheats and struggles to capture clear images. Similarly, our eyes get […]

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  • 06/10/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Thyroid Health: Myths, Care, and Self-Assessment Guide

Dive into the realities of thyroid health, debunking common myths and exploring care strategies for improved well-being. Learn to assess your thyroid health with our concise guide. Imagine a small, butterfly-shaped gland in your neck quietly influencing your metabolism, energy, and overall well-being. Now, consider this: nearly 42 million Indians are living with thyroid disorders, […]

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  • 05/14/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Motivation + Discipline = Unlock Mental Health Success

In a journey to mental wellness, discover how motivation and discipline are not just the foundation but the pillars of mental health care that pave the way to success. This blog will guide you through harnessing these powerful tools to empower your mental health and achieve success beyond boundaries. How could the blend of motivation […]

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  • 05/14/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Understanding and Accepting Autism. Bringing comfort to those in need.

Explore the importance of understanding and accepting autism, offering practical tips to support autistic colleagues and create an inclusive environment. Dive into the world of autism awareness and acceptance and discover how you can bring comfort and support to those with autism, fostering a culture where everyone thrives. Imagine walking into a world where sounds, […]

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  • 04/02/2024
  • Healthcare admin

5 fun ways to strengthen your muscles

If you are someone on a fitness journey, you might have heard frequent mentions of muscle strengthening from your gym trainer or fitness influencers. Muscle strengthening exercises make your muscles work harder while boosting muscle health and bone density. Regular muscle training has been linked with health benefits like better posture, reduced joint aches, lower […]

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  • 02/22/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Highway to Happy and Healthy Winters

Winter, often associated with comfort and relaxation, brings a tendency for less activity and richer meals, hidden beneath layers of warm clothing. This season, while enchanting, can quietly contribute to gradual weight gain. The concern remains throughout the colder months. Small lifestyle changes, such as increased food intake and decreased physical activity, can accumulate, and […]

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  • 01/18/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Easy home remedies to say goodbye to dry winter skin.

Chapped lips, dry and patchy skin, and cracked heels – your skin has its way to mark the onset of winter. During winter, temperature, and humidity levels both drop. The lack of humidity makes it difficult for the skin to retain moisture leading to dry and itchy skin. Another key reason that might be making […]

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  • 01/18/2024
  • Healthcare admin

Say Goodbye to Winter Gloom: Tips for a Brighter, Happier Season!

Are you feeling the chill of winter not just in the air but also in your mood? As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, many of us find ourselves grappling with the winter blues. In India, where the rhythm of life is vibrant and colorful, experiencing a dip in spirits during winter might […]

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  • 12/20/2023
  • Healthcare admin

How long hours at the desk are hampering your spinal health?

The long work hours you spend sitting in front of your computer in cramped cubicles might be good for your productivity but not for your spinal health. Lack of ergonomic furniture, bad posture, erratic breaks from work, and sedentary lifestyles are among the few reasons why spinal health is often an afterthought in corporate workspaces. […]

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  • 12/20/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Boost Your Brainpower: Daily Tips for an Active Mind

Discover key strategies to keep your mind sharp all day. From brain exercises to lifestyle tips, learn how to boost focus and mental agility. Explore 5 effective ways to maintain mental sharpness. Boost your brainpower with daily habits, exercises, and smart lifestyle choices for peak focus. Using the brain effectively is key. It’s like flexing […]

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  • 12/20/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Essential Steps to Healthy Habits: From Intention to Action

“Old habits die hard.” This adage rings especially true when we consider our health and lifestyle choices. Many of us aspire to be more active, eat healthier, and lead a more balanced life. However, the journey from intention to action, and finally to a sustainable habit, is often fraught with challenges. In this blog, we’ll […]

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  • 12/12/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Manage Diabetes the right way: Mind, Meal, Motion

Discover a holistic approach to diabetes management. Incorporate exercise, proper nutrition, and mindfulness to improve health and stabilize blood sugar levels. This article will guide you through weaving these tools into the fabric of daily life, crafting a tapestry of management that not only addresses the condition but also enhances overall well-being. Balanced Bites: Diet […]

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  • 11/14/2023
  • Healthcare admin

DEBUNKING DIABETES MYTHS Separating Fact from Fiction

India is standing at a crossroads, with a staggering 100 million individuals battling diabetes and a further 136 million on the cusp as pre-diabetics, as revealed by a recent ICMR study. This isn’t just a statistic; it’s a wake-up call echoing across the bustling streets of Goa, which leads the tally, to the quieter lanes […]

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  • 11/14/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Explore the genetic link to diabetes and learn how family history impacts risk.

If diabetes is a frequent guest in your family gatherings, your chances of hosting it increase. But here’s a silver lining: genetics isn’t destiny. While 11% of Indians silently juggle pre-diabetes, awareness is your torch in the dark. Knowing your family history is the first step toward changing the narrative. You have the power to […]

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  • 11/14/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Is Our Modern Life Amplifying Lifestyle Disorders?

Are We Nurturing Our Health or Digging Our Own Graves? A staggering 101 million Indians with diabetes, 136 million are on the cusp of prediabetes, and 315 million battling high blood pressure. But this isn’t an issue exclusive to India. The World Health Organization reveals that lifestyle diseases account for a jaw-dropping 80% of global […]

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  • 11/01/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Unmasking the Hidden Battle: Musculoskeletal Disorders in India’s Corporate World

In a bustling office, a dedicated IT professional was a familiar sight. Hunched over his laptop, fingers dancing over the keyboard, he embodied the spirit of India’s ambitious corporate sector. His days were long, often stretching over 9 hours, with his focus unwavering from the glowing screen. But as months turned to years, a nagging […]

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  • 11/01/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Get your shoes on! Six ways walking helps you become healthier.

Research shows that for every 2,000 steps you walk, you reduce the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and even suffering a premature death by 10%. Following the 10,000-step-a-day rule will help you maximize the benefits. At the same time, the rule can lower the risk of developing chronic diseases like dementia and boost your […]

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  • 10/10/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Merging Paths: Spirituality and Mental Health

Life can be like a wild, bumpy ride, right? Sometimes, keeping our minds happy and healthy gets forgotten with all the rushing around and never-ending to-do lists. It’s like we’re always “on,” and somehow, peace of mind slips through the cracks, making everything feel harder. But guess what? In this busy-bee life, there’s a quiet, […]

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  • 10/10/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Listen to Your Heart: World Heart Day’s Vital Message

Did you know that heart health is becoming a pressing concern, especially in the post-Covid era? Recent statistics reveal that Indians, already susceptible to dietary habits and prevalent conditions like diabetes and hypertension, are witnessing a sharp rise in sudden heart attacks. Shockingly, even the younger generation isn’t spared. As we grapple with this alarming […]

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  • 09/27/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Breast Cancer: Hitting lacs of lives every year in India.

The figures are among the latest set of statistics that highlight how the number of women being diagnosed with breast cancer in India has been constantly on the rise. Over the years, breast cancer has surpassed other types of cancer to become the most prevalent one among Indian women. If experts are to be believed, […]

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  • 09/26/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Cherishing Moments: World Alzheimer’s Day and Dementia Support

Every year, as the calendar flips to 21st September, a silent call to action reverberates across the globe: World Alzheimer’s Day. But why is this day so crucial? Consider this: over 4 million people in India alone grapple with some form of dementia. Yet, a staggering 90% of these cases remain cloaked in shadows, undiagnosed […]

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  • 09/20/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Are you facing constant burnout? Identifying and Addressing Possible Interventions.

Caught in a ceaseless cycle of exhaustion, feeling like you’re just running on empty? You may be facing burn-out, a state of chronic fatigue that blunts life’s vibrancy. This blog acts as your compass, guiding you through this murky terrain. Spotting the Smoke: Identifying the Warning Signs of Burn-Out Burn-out, a stealthy thief, quietly saps […]

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  • 09/20/2023
  • Healthcare admin

The Transformative Power of Physical Therapy: Celebrating World Physical Day

In the bustling heart of the corporate world, where deadlines loom large and the hum of computers is constant, there was a man named Ravi. Every morning, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Ravi would wake up with a stiffness in his shoulders. Some days, it felt like a […]

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  • 09/08/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Navigating Workplace Relationships with the Power of Positive Office Bonds

Ever felt like you’re walking on eggshells around a colleague? It’s no secret that our relationships at work can make or break our day. Just as “birds of a feather flock together,” we naturally gravitate towards those with whom we share a good rapport. But what happens when the waters get muddied? In this exploration, […]

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  • 08/29/2023
  • Healthcare admin

From Zero to Zen: The Mindful Way to Tackle Office Stress

Ever felt like a fish out of water in the hustle and bustle of the office? You’re not alone. For many, the modern workplace can seem like a pressure cooker, bubbling with looming deadlines, incessant emails, and never-ending meetings. This relentless pace can leave even the most seasoned professionals gasping for breath. But what if […]

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  • 08/29/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Uncovering the Key Signs of a Resilient Mind

Uncovering the silent signs of mental strength. From emotional resilience to self-control, these subtle indicators reveal the power of the mind often hidden in plain sight. Have you ever wondered, “What makes a person mentally strong?” It’s not as clear as black and white. Mental strength isn’t just about weathering the storm, it’s about learning […]

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  • 08/16/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Sugar-Coat Not: The Hidden Side of Ultra-Processed & Sweetened Foods

In today’s world of convenience and haste, ultra-processed foods and artificial sweeteners have become the ‘bread and butter’ of many diets. Yet, beneath the appealing wrapper of these ‘quick-fix’ meals and ‘sugar-free’ delights, lurk complex realities. Researchers alarmingly assert that nearly 60% of our caloric intake stems from such foods. Remember the adage, ‘You are […]

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  • 08/16/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Are You Eating Right? Discover How Nutrition Wards Off Chronic Diseases!

There’s an old saying, ‘You are what you eat.’ In our fast-paced world, the age-old wisdom holds more relevance than ever.

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  • 08/02/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Step Up Your Game: Physical Exercises for Health

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live." – Jim Rohn’s words resonate more than ever in our fast-paced, convenience-driven world. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s all too easy to neglect our health, but this path, trodden by too many, often leads to a dead-end.

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  • 08/02/2023
  • Healthcare admin

8 Self-Care Types to Keep Your Spirits High

What is Self-Care? Self-care is an intentional practice of actions and behaviors aimed at nurturing one’s physical, emotional, and mental health. It’s not simply about pampering yourself, but rather, consciously making choices that foster good health and reduce stress. This can range from regular exercise and healthy eating to setting boundaries and making time for […]

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  • 08/02/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Nutrients on my plate: Frequently Asked Questions

Harnessing the power of a nutritionally balanced diet is integral in the battle against chronic diseases.

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  • 08/02/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Should You Exercise When You Are Ill?

When you’re under the weather, the common query that often pops up is whether you should push through your regular workout routine or take some time off to recover.

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  • 08/02/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Finding the ‘Heartbeat’ of Wellness: Secrets Unveiled

Dive into the essential guidelines for heart health. We unpack key factors – lifestyle, diet, exercise – that forge a robust cardiovascular system, fostering overall well-being. Start today!

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  • 07/25/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Master Monsoon Health: Don’t Rain on Your Parade

Adapt your wellness routine for monsoons with our guide. Navigate fluctuating temperatures and heightened humidity with diet modifications, fitness adjustments, and immunity-boosting vaccinations for optimal health.

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  • 07/18/2023
  • Healthcare admin

The science behind eating right: Understanding the dos and don’ts

From fad diets to fitness challenges and viral healthy recipe reels on social media, the world’s fascination with healthier lifestyles grew during the Covid -19 pandemic and has since only picked up pace.

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  • 07/18/2023
  • Healthcare admin

The Indian Food Pyramid: Guiding people to eat healthy since 1970

We are what we eat, they say. Indeed, what we put inside our bodies determines our health. To that end, the food pyramid has served as a guide to balanced eating for years. A food pyramid is a visual representation of the optimal servings of food that one should consume from each food group.

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  • 07/18/2023
  • Healthcare admin

How can antioxidants help with cancer prevention?

The various types of cancers account for almost 13% of deaths globally. In India too, the numbers aren’t very encouraging. In 2022, the number of cancer cases was found to be 14,61,427 in the country.

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  • 07/18/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Here’s all you need to know about Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics for improving gut health.

Single-celled and not visible to the naked eye, bacteria often get a lot of scorn as they are the root cause of several diseases. But there’s one kind of bacteria that is known for their “good” work and that keeps your gut healthy – probiotics.

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  • 06/22/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Is midnight snacking costing you your digestive wellness? Here’s how

It starts with that nagging feeling that maybe you are hungry. As you start to wonder about your options, your feet automatically take you to the fridge or the pantry, where you stock the essentials.

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  • 06/07/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Obesity and diabetes: Leading to greater health complications.

The overconsumption of artificial sweeteners can change your body’s ability to process real sugar by disrupting the functioning of gut microbiota and insulin levels. Over time, such disruption can create conducive conditions for developing conditions like Type 2 diabetes.

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  • 06/07/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Losing your health to hormonal imbalance? Here are the essentials to tackle it

One out of every 10 women in India is affected by hormonal imbalance. The figure reflects a health crisis that has largely been ignored in not just India but globally too. What’s more, is that it’s very common for these hormonal irregularities to go undetected.

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  • 05/12/2023
  • Healthcare admin

What’s the gut-brain connection? Find out how it impacts your mood!

Did you know that the ‘gut feeling’ or the ‘butterflies’ that you feel in your tummy are more than just random physical symptoms?

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  • 05/12/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Best walking trails to make exercise fun

For many of us, a healthy lifestyle would include clocking those 10,000 steps in each day. And why not? In a study conducted to find out the scientific validity of the 10,000-step rule, researchers saw mortality rates improving progressively even if one manages 7,500 steps a day.

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  • 04/13/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Struggling to be a morning person? Try these hacks to beat your alarm

They say well begun is half done and our daily schedules are no different. Don’t we all prefer getting a headstart on the day by rising early rather than having a late and sluggish start? Several studies have explained the benefits of getting up early but let’s face it’s easier said than done.

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  • 04/12/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Struggling with a stiff neck or back pain in office? Here’s what you should know about work-related aches

How many times have you left work with a stiff back, neck pain, or a headache? Probably, too many to count. Work-related muscle aches and pains are one of the most common occupational hazards of modern-day workplaces.

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  • 04/12/2023
  • Healthcare admin

Sleeping less? Here’s why it might cost you more than just fatigue

For most professionals, the secret to being wealthy and wise is not always hitting the sack early. Working amidst a hustle culture, sacrificing sleep for work is a badge of honour that most of us have worn. But how healthy is it? Turns out not very much. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the […]

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  • 03/16/2023
  • Healthcare admin


What is the H3N2 virus? H3N2 influenza is a type of influenza virus that can cause respiratory illness in humans. It is a highly contagious respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe sickness, and in some cases, can be life-threatening, especially for those with underlying health conditions or weakened immune systems. It is a […]

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  • 03/14/2023
  • Healthcare admin

What are the Dental Post-Procedure Care and Instructions?

Regarding your dental health, post-procedure care is just as critical as the treatment itself. After any dental procedure, from a simple filling to a more complicated root canal or extraction, it is essential to follow your dentist’s instructions and take good care of your teeth, gums, and mouth. Here are some standard dental proceduresand the […]

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  • 02/20/2023
  • Healthcare admin

How long is the removal procedure and healing process take for wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth extraction is a procedure that is often performed on people in their late teenage years or early twenties. This procedure is done when the wisdom teeth are proving to be a problem, such as when they are impacted, misaligned, or awkward. The wisdom teeth may also need to be extracted if they are […]

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  • 02/17/2023
  • Healthcare admin

The Power of Conscious Breathing

Science has shown that breathing with awareness has many physical and physiological benefits and inculcating a habit of conscious breathing can transform our life.

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  • 09/14/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Are you suffering from tech-neck?

Neck pain is not so uncommon among those working on their desks all day. In a 2016 study conducted among administrative workers between 31 to 50 years in a tertiary care hospital in Delhi, more than 43% suffered from neck pain.

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  • 08/30/2022
  • Healthcare admin

MONKEYPOX: An Emerging Global Health Concern

Monkeypox is a viral infection, first discovered in monkeys, that can also transmit to humans and cause symptoms and complications. Of late, its incidence has risen globally, with cases reported from more than 75 countries, including India.

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  • 08/01/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Why you must encourage your parents to stay physically active?

As we grow old the natural wear and tear increases in the body including the muscles. After age 30, one begins to lose 3 to 5% of their muscle mass per decade. Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes.

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  • 07/22/2022
  • Healthcare admin

What is Intermittent Fasting? Why do celebrities swear by it?

Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Ben Affleck, Beyonce, Alia Bhatt, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Malaika Arora-Khan may seem to have little in common other than being celebrities but if media reports are to be believed, all of them follow the principles of intermittent fasting and have achieved great results because of it. Those who swear by it […]

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  • 07/07/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Is Heat Stress taking a toll on you? Here is how to keep cool…

Held after a gap of three years due to COVID-19, Danda Mahotsav held in Panihati, North 24 Pargana, West Bengal in June 2022 saw crowds of over 10 lakh devotees. The festival also known as Chira Dadhi Utsav, is a 500 year old festival of Vaishnav faith associated with 15th century saint Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and […]

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  • 06/23/2022
  • Healthcare admin

7 Diabetes Myths you shouldn’t believe

Diabetes is a household name these days. Almost all families have at least a member with diabetes in it. Changing diets and sedentary lifestyles have led to an explosion of diabetes in the country. There are 74 million diabetes patients in India, second to only China. The incidence of diabetes is increasing in both urban […]

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  • 06/01/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Tips to Build Stamina and Conquer your Fitness Goals

It is one thing to be accurate in your line and length and another to bowl at 150 km per hour. For South African pacer Dale Steyn, both came easy. Called one of the best and the “most complete” fast bowlers of his generation, Steyn dominated the number one spot in ICC Test rankings for […]

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  • 06/01/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Are you fatigued weeks after COVID? You may have Long COVID

Are you fatigued weeks after COVID? You may have Long COVID In the last two years of the pandemic, more than 517 million were infected with COVID-19. Most of them recovered from the infection but some continued to face health issues even after months of testing negative. These symptoms are part of post-acute sequelae of […]

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  • 05/12/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Want to Quit Tobacco but are struggling?

More than a quarter (27%) of all cancers in India are due to tobacco use. Yet, 29% of adults in India use tobacco making it the second leading consumer of tobacco in the world.

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  • 05/03/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Is Sitting the New Smoking?

Studies conclusively show that while both sitting for long durations and smoking are harmful, smoking is a great deal, much worse.

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  • 04/29/2022
  • Healthcare admin

Power to the Patient

After two years of the COVID pandemic, we do not need to reiterate how important it is to take care of one’s health.

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  • 04/20/2022
  • Healthcare admin

New Variant of Covid-19

On 6 April 2022, India reported the first case of XE COVID-19 variant when a 50-year-old South African lady was found to be positive in Mumbai.

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  • 01/10/2022
  • Healthcare admin